Case Study


Job roles and hierarchies

This is a list of job roles in the following areas;


3D Artist


Level designer



Concept artist

Lead designer

Junior Designer

Senior Designer


Sound Designer



Concept Artist

Storyboard Artist

3D Artist




Concept Artist

VFX Artist




Layout TD

Concept Artist


Texture Artist

Rigging TD



Lighting TD

Rendering TD


Roto Artist


Matte Painter

Pipeline TD

VFX Producer

CG Producer

CG Supervisor

VFX Supervisor

I did this Venn diagram in a group of people;


this was a list of jobs that can be used in the areas of;




QA Tester Role

They have to test the game in mid production to see if there is any bugs or glitches with the game or movie, then they will have describe what is wrong and what is right with the game and movie.

Image result for what is the role of qa tester

Producer Role


When you first join a company you will have a tag of a ‘Junior’ on you due to your experience and after 3 years of working there you will become just a animator, a artist, a designer or a programmer because you have gained more experience and once you work there for more years you will have a senior tag on your name from the experience that you’ve gained. Then after so many more years you will be come a manager from the time effort and experience that you have put into your job. As you make your way up the ladder in the job world your salary will increase each time.



World Building

The world built for the Imagined Worlds project is a post apocalyptic Earth that had a nuclear failure and that is now ran by steam punk robots and the world is completely abandoned but one hero stands up to save it all.

In the game, the world she is in is allot like ours but the place she is in is an abandoned city that was evacuated due to a nuclear failure soon followed by an explosion. The area is all destroyed and decayed from time and no plants grows nor wildlife roam. This city was known for an amazing lass and metal industry, but after the explosion it was reduced to a small foot note in the towns history.

The history of the world fresh and bright but till the day that changed the world as a nuke fell upon the world and destroying all life but the factories that make mechanical robots, there are these machines showing up that are salvaging the android leftovers

With my team we have had a talk about the world in total the world did not make sense because there was no back story for the game but we have made it all make sense and have a story that flows through and we discussed how the main boss came to where he is and the main character is still needing work to figure out how they have came to be where they are now.


Target Audience and Market Research

A target audience is what you need to plan before you pitch your game or make initial ideas for it, you need to think does my game fit with this age range and does it follow the PEGI/ ESRB code for families and customers to be happy with the game pitch or actual game product.

To define a target audience you need to think like that pacific age range that you are aiming to sell your game too.

PEGI and ESRB is an age-based classification system that file games and movies in for the age range of the user, and you have to be the right age to play or watch it, with that system in place you are sort of limited to some games like Call of Duty, that is placed in the 18+ due to the violence, blood and gore, swearing and the use of dramatic scenes of war. But on the other hand like Mario it is listed at a low age range because there is no blood and gore, it is has a childish feel to the game to play.

I watched a video in class explaining from a producers point of view on how to sell a game and to how target your audience and to get your game to get more sales from the community by YouTubers and Twitch Streamers, this can ether make people want to play the game that you have made but it’ll probably only work if a popular YouTuber was to play the game, like for example if Pewdiepie was to play a game the amount of downloads and purchase’ that would be made will make the producer have great amount of money that would make them want to make another game to be come successful as the last. But if a low end YouTuber was to play a game with a lower amount of views and subscribers the producer that made the game will either make a lot of money or none at all, it is all by chance for people to get the game popular.


The senses that are mainly used within games and movies are visual and audio


Mini Mock Reflection

I think overall I did quite well in getting a pass but I can improve in general but what I think needs more improvement would be market research and understanding for


Each phase that is in this order has to make sense for the production of the game to flow because if the game doesn’t flow the game would not be made on time as it is a schedule  that needs to be followed to make the game on time and to have the most income that the company can get and to please the customers that take an interest in the company at hand.

The roles that needed


Self Reflection on mock exam;

I am quite happy with my grade from mock exam, I think I got the mark because I hadn’t explained in full within my answers the areas within ‘The Market’ section I feel like that they were my strongest points in the mock. The desired grade I would like is a merit because I know that I can push myself to that grade. The business side of the mock exam was weakest point throughout the paper but to develop a better knowledge of the area I need to do more research and improve in that area.


rewrite of mock answer;

The game that is being made needs to meet the requirements of ‘PEGI’ because if the game falls into the wrong category there will be many dishonored families because parents have bought a game that is meant to be within the age range of 13 and younger because the child is too young to play ‘Call Of Duty’ because of the use of guns and there is blood and gore and the parents don’t want their child to be associated with violence and vile language because the game is meant for older teenagers or young adults.


Pressure Points, Cash Flow and Product Lifespan

A pressure point for a company could happen at any moment during the course of the production or the pre-production of a game or animation for example not meeting deadlines on time.

The Revenue that is earned in total is distributed

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