Character archetypes

  • Hero. – You wonder the common wealth and you kill, make allies and do quests and find your son.Fallout-4-The-Wanderer-Trailer-03-670x388
  • Mentor – He guides you through the BrotherHood of Steal and puts you on the right path to complete your journey.


  • Ally – you first meet Dogmeat once you come out of the Vault and he becomes your companion.


  • Herald – Kellogg steals you son so this sets off the whole quest off to find your son.

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  • Trickster – If you don’t choose to join Nuka World you get all the gangs against you and if you join they become your allies.


  • Guardian – Preston you can send him to settlements and he can defend your settlement from any raiders or gunners

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  • Shadow – Either way if you choose one side they become your enemy.

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